On the First Customer Podcast, I joined host Jay Aigner for an insightful conversation about my entrepreneurial journey and the complexities of pricing and packaging in B2B software. We explored how market dynamics and inflation shape software pricing strategies and the critical need for businesses to evolve their approach as they grow.
Key topics we covered in this episode:
- Focus on B2B software pricing and packaging.
- Initial ideas for starting a product company and shift to consulting services.
- Typical clients: Growth stage scale-up companies.
- Importance of relationships, providing mutual value through partnerships
Potent Quotables
Taking the Leap:
“Never going to get a better time than now to try, to actually go start that company.”
— Dan Balcauski
The Turning Point in Networking:
“At some point, everyone’s network dries up.”
— Dan Balcauski
Networking Tips for Aspiring Entrepreneurs:
“If you wanna be an entrepreneur and you’re working in a corporate job right now, take advantage of your current position to network. By the time you leave your position to go start your company, you will be in such a better place. Do not wait until you’re out on your own and then try to start.”
— Dan Balcauski
Want more B2B SaaS pricing and packaging insights? Follow Dan on LinkedIn and Twitter.